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    What is a Bassinet attachment and do I need one for my Pram?
    • 3 min read

    2 in 1 Pram combo package (Pram with Bassinet Attachment)

    What is a bassinet attachment and do I need one for my pram?

    A bassinet attachment is a bassinet that can attach to your pram. A bassinet is safe sleeping space for newborns and generally used until the age of roughly six months old or to when the baby can sit up unaided. If you are unsure whether you want or need a bassinet attachment here are some reasons to use one below:

    1. A bassinet provides the ultimate lie-flat position that provides the correct support for a baby’s developing spine and muscle tone, on a cushioned mattress your baby will be comfortable and cozy.
    2. There is no recommended time frame a baby can or cannot lie in a bassinet like there is when it comes to capsules and travel systems.
    3. Most bassinet attachments are free standing which means they can stand alone even when placed on the ground, this is super convenient when visiting family or friends and you want the baby to have a safe sleeping space (under your supervision of course).
    4. A bassinet has a hood/canopy just like a standard pram seat, some being waterproof, oil-proof, and made of a light anti UV material to ensure your little one is protected from all the elements.
    5. A bassinet attachment is significantly lighter than a standard pram seat. This benefits a new mum with not lifting heavy weights just after giving birth and possibly having had a cesarean.
    6. A baby has the ability to lie flat whilst facing mum/dad promotes precious bonding time. Eye contact is so important for babies, it is one of a baby’s first milestones and lets you know a baby can see you. How exciting.

    When your baby has turned six months or can sit unaided you can make the transition from the bassinet attachment to the standard pram seat. Most prams have reversible seats so give the option to rear face baby (into mum/dad) or forward face baby (out to the big wide interesting world). Your pram will still have the ability to recline to different levels or positions. Generally, it will be a three positional recline, upright, lie flat, and somewhere in between those two.

    Your pram will still have almost all the same functions whether you are using the bassinet attachment or the standard pram seat. Some of those functions are the adjustable handlebar, easily adjusted to the height of the user ensuring anyone who is operating the pram has a comfortable push. Large canopy/hood to keep baby protected from the elements. A foot cover is an accessory used on a bassinet and a standard pram seat, a foot cover keeps your child cozy and warm in the cooler temperatures, but still allowing them room to move. A rain cover is another accessory that comes in handy for those days you may get caught out in the rain, your pram and child are sure to stay dry. A cup holder will fit your pram frame always, this a must for your morning coffee, water, and even baby’s bottle. The handlebar bag is the most convenient accessory, it attaches easily to the handlebar of the pram, is the perfect size for those important necessities – For you: Purse, Keys, Phone For baby: nappies, wipes, dummy, bottle, snacks AND last but not least you always want to be able to easily access the basket for underneath storage whether you are using the bassinet attachment, capsule/travel system or the seat facing rearwards, outwards and on any angle of recline.
